As Salam Aleykoum Tres bonne application Allahuma barek jaazakoum Llahu kheyran !
As Salam Aleykoum Tres bonne application Allahuma barek jaazakoum Llahu kheyran !
Allahoumma barik application très profitable
May Almighty Allah reward you for this innovation, very helpful indeed.
Nicely executed, JAK
You are truly blessed, thank you for this. May Allah reward you
MashaAllah great app! May Allah reward the makers!
Just downloaded. The layout is very impressive and intuitive. Great work MashaAllah. Jazak Allahkhairun.
It is very useful application for those who want to remember The Lord in various scenes of daily life. It is also great that each Dhikr has its Daleel. (When you click "i" on the bellow of the screen)
Thank you very much for this amazing app, I use it every minute .
السلام عليكم أخواني واخواتي حملت برنامج والحمدلله طلع احسن برنامج في تذكير .... وفيها ميزات كثير وسهلة جدا اسعو في نشر وان شاءالله اتكون صدقة جارية في ميزان حسناتكم وسلام عليكم Selam aleykum brothers and sisters i doonload the program and İst the best program in the reminder ....In the remembrance of Allah and pray
This is a beautiful app with lots of substance however it needs some more information on Islam in depth
Barakalaahu ufikum for this app with literally 100% of most reminders for a Muslim and keeping one reminded of the creator Allah(SWT); may the developers of this app have Allah(SWT) blessings and All of us using it to also be granted Jannah Firidaus, Allahumah Ameen!
God bless you for such a wonderful app
Its is so good Allhamdullilah I found something that can help me everyday thank you so much
As-Salam Walaikum, An app every Muslim should have. Very useful both in Dunya and Akhirah. Before I got this app I had to google for every invocations Rasulullah Muhammad (PBUH) taught us to say and I didnt even know there were so many! This is truly a life changer. May Allah bless the creators of this app and may Allah(SWT) grant them Jannah.
Excellent app based on authentic narrations from the Prophet ﷺ. Highly recommended.
Great app. Highly recommended for every Muslim.
This app helps me a lot. Alhamdulillah Ive found it during the month of Ramadan. May Allah reward you -Ameen
Great app a big help for a new Muslim. Id be lost without it.
Hisnii is, without a doubt, the best du‘ā’ app in English.